Pleasure ▪ Culture ▪ Craft
Pleasure ▪ Culture ▪ Craft was born as a means of telling stories of fine wine to the fine wine community. Within our wines, brands, places and people existed incredible stories of wine, ancient history, art, science, philosophy, learnings, experiences, technology, civilisation and land.
Pleasure ▪ Culture ▪ Craft is a filtered view of our world of fine wine. It professes to be nothing more. Each quarterly issue will have stories of Earth, Plants, Viti & Oeno, Art, Senses and a look around the world. From time to time, we will dive into something that we have a view on. Alongside these will be pieces of latest news from our Pyramid Valley, Smith & Sheth and Lowburn Ferry world, new releases, accolades, vintage and cellaring reports.
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